Ready to help?



We are looking for committed individuals who want to help advocate for sensible immigration policy. If you are interested in participating in our advocacy work, please fill out the form linked below. We will offer training for volunteers to prepare for any upcoming opportunities.



Translators Needed

Use your translation and/or legal skills to help further our humanitarian mission. You can sign up to assist young people applying for temporary work authorization, survivors of trafficking or other crimes applying for U Visa, or young children seeking Special Immigrant Juvenile Status or Asylum. We can provide you with the training and information about different types of humanitarian legal work, and then you can assist our staff attorneys with application preparation and learn more under their supervision.


Pro Bono Lawyers Needed

If you are a licensed attorney interested in providing pro bono services to Afghan evacuees, Vanderbilt University has a registration form to volunteer. When TNJFON cannot accept an asylum case, after screening and intake, they will be paired with one of the volunteer lawyers coordinated by Vanderbilt.



Do you want to help at our legal clinics but you are not a law student, interpreter or lawyer? Perhaps you can be a hospitality hosts. Each clinic day will involve as many as 36 individuals volunteering their time and skills. Fresh fruit, bars, nuts, coffee, pastries, water bottles or seltzers, . . . would all help keep everyone energized. If you are interested in donating food and drink to keep the volunteers nourished throughout the day at each clinic, reach out to



Oye Vecino LIVE is our single fundraising event for the year and we need volunteers to help us plan it for 2024. We give you all the tools you need to succeed in a volunteer commitment. Or help us plan Oye Vecino LIVE. Email Tessa ( if you’re interested.