Tennessee Justice for Our Neighbors provides free or low-cost, compassionate immigration legal services to immigrants, educates the public and faith-based communities about issues related to immigration, and advocates for immigrant rights.
Watch this video to hear from staff and a former client and boardmember about what we do and why our work matters!
Founded in 2008, TNJFON has assisted thousands of individual clients in a variety of immigration matters, with a focus on representing low-income individuals who are eligible for humanitarian forms of relief. We primarily serve individuals earning below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level or who face other financial barriers to accessing representation.
During our legal clinic appointments, we conduct intake, evaluate immigration and other relevant history, and advise of any available options to change immigration status. Where a form of humanitarian relief is available, we provide direct representation as capacity allows.
Our highly skilled legal staff operate primarily in Spanish and English and have years of cross cultural and legal experience. TNJFON is a member of the National Justice for Our Neighbors network of eighteen legal services organizations.