Keeping Families Together

On January 21, 2020, Tennessee Justice for Our Neighbors launched Families Together, a free six-session educational program designed to enable noncitizen parents to better understand the U.S. immigration system and more fully participate in their immigration case.  In the pilot class, each Tuesday and Thursday night for three weeks, a small gathering of mothers from different countries came to learn more about navigating the immigration system.  

Families Together is currently offered asynchronously on a virtual platform. Watch the videos from the comfort of your home or on the go - all at your own pace!

Families Together students are eligible to meet with a TNJFON attorney for an evaluation of their immigration legal options, a deportation risk minimization plan and a family preparation plan.

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I didn’t know anything [before taking the class] but above all [the most useful new information] was how we should respond to a deportation possibility.
— Families Together Student '20
A big thank you to Álvaro and all the organizations that make these programs possible for all the information. Knowledge is the best tool to not be a victime of abuse. Personally, I cleared up a lot of my doubts. I will definitely keep reviewing the material from class, and thanks again for your time.
— Families Together Student '21
Families Together is funded by the Tennessee Legal Initiatives Fund.

Families Together is funded by the Tennessee Legal Initiatives Fund.